Team Approach
“Design Build” has become the one of the most widely accepted project delivery systems in use today for many reasons, among which are cost, speed to market and quality. RCCI takes Design Build to a whole new level with our emphasis on a team approach to all aspects of each project. From the initial meetings and development of the owner’s program (Preliminary Design Phase) into the Engineering Phase and eventually through the Construction Phase and project close out, RCCI empowers the owner to be in control of all aspects of the project.
Sadly, construction can be one of the most stressful things a person or group goes through but it shouldn’t be that way. Our “Team Approach” creates an enjoyable atmosphere where all issues and challenges are faced together for the common good. A real measure of the success of a project is this remark we often hear at it’s conclusion: “We are very happy to have our new facilities but are a little sad to see the process end.”